Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sneak Peek 3: The Tangled Tears 2nd Edition, S.M. Bjarnson

Sneak Peek 3 of The Tangled Tears 2nd Edition
S.M. Bjarnson

“Please trust me, AJ.” He gave out his hand and I looked at it dismayingly. Blanket placed in his hand instead of a warm motion.“I don’t think its trust you need, Jenks.” The heat turns up. Peering out the windshield onto the busy road. Insults aimed at a welcoming gesture, along with the man who stood behind it. I ached to know that affection. I wanted to reach out and touch him. My thoughts led back to one thing; would he be worth losing?       “Now how did you really find me Jenks? We both know my father did no search or rescue for reasons we both are clear of.” I hesitated on my words. I kept distance not caring anymore.
       “I remember some of the stories you use to tell in middle school about Winter and you. There was always one I heard most overall; the summer cottage in the park.” His eyes playing mismatch with mine.
S.M. Bjarnson

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Proud or Pride, S.M. Bjarnson

S.M. Bjarnson

Today's topic might come as a shock, or rather surprise for some people. But I am going to talk about it anyway because I have been dwelling careless thoughts on the topic of being proud or is it prideful? So here it goes! The comparison and contrast of each topic although similar are very opposite. While writing The CIRCUS IN ME, I found that the Amish people do not have modern cars or vehicles as a means to not be prideful about these things. Having these items makes one think as they put it above another. Although this may be true, I found myself wondering in reality what the difference between being proud and being prideful. Was it the fancy cars or nice clothing that makes us prideful and not proud? My ideas or thoughts on the topic may not be the same examples as you have in your thought pattern. Any comments on the topic please reply below! 
Here is a better aspect of the two common words! 

Making yourself proud, taking pride in your work, behavior and results is a personal commitment. It is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity and a powerful demonstration of self-respect.
If you’re going to do something…
  • Do it right the first time,
  • Do it in the spirit of excellence,
  • Do it so that it sets an inspiring example,
  • Do it in a way that you are proud to have your name associated with it.

The remarks of others jealous eyes making us look unnecessarily proud of what we have earned. There are times to feel good about yourself, boosting in glory of the things you have worked hard for and deserved to earn. I understand the difficulty and your right to receive. But that is being happy with what you have yearned for, being satisfied and feeling accomplished in the pleasure of what you own. Not a means to showing off to every individual you know that you have a newer version of everything in sight. So here are some remarks, don't take them lightly!

"Pride" is a noun.
"Proud" is an adjective.
"Pride" is what someone has.
"Proud" is what someone is.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Kurt Vonnegut’s 8 Tips on How to Write a Great Story by Maria Popova

Kurt Vonnegut’s 8 Tips on How to Write a Great Story


  1. Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.
  2. Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.
  3. Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.
  4. Every sentence must do one of two things — reveal character or advance the action.
  5. Start as close to the end as possible.
  6. Be a Sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them-in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
  7. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.
  8. Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To hell with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages.

S.M.'s thoughts: Beauty in his words! Excellent take on grabbing the readers attention span and reversing the technique of how you should sincerely write a short fictional story!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Here it is!

Best motivational video ever for creative people …:

A Great inspirational video to pass it forward!

S.M.'s thoughts: This video is so great and inspirational. A great tale to pass it forward and move the next generation of kindness into play! Will you play a part in making it happen? Can we all use some extra vote of confidence in the darkening of ages. Let's do it! :) smile all the time! You can change lives! Believe in yourself! :) You can change the world! 

Sunday, May 25, 2014


DIY Photo Lamp

Living in a small house I often find myself very short on wall space. I often have to take photos down and replace them with new ones before I am feeling ready to do so. Because of that, I’m always trying to find unique ways to display my pictures. Having already filled my fridge and made use of collage frames, I wanted to find some other way to display multiple pictures in a nice way. That’s when I came up with the coolest way display of all in my opinion… a photo lamp.
DIY Photo Lamp

DIY Photo Lamp

What you will need:
  • Tracing or velum paper
  • A printer
  • A lamp and lampshade
  • Scotch tape
  • Scissors or a paper trimmer
  • Photo editing or scrap booking software, even Microsoft Word would work if you don’t have any other program
DIY Photo Lamp supplies
In your editing program create a collage according to the dimensions of your lampshade and paper available.
Collage Preparation Tips
  • I highly recommend changing your photos to black and white to give a more elegant looking lamp, if your program doesn’t give you that option try changing your printer settings to print in black and white only.
  • Also, make sure to leave at least ½ and inch at the end so you can overlap the paper, some lamp shades may need 2-3 different papers to cover the length so in that case make sure to leave the space on both sides.
DIY Photo Lamp 2
After measuring your lamp, paper and designing your collage, cut the vellum or tracing paper accordingly to fit into your printer.
Print your collage onto the vellum or tracing paper, double check your placement and measurements and trim again if needed.
DIY Photo Lamp 3
Wrap your paper on the outside of the lampshade and tape into place.
Turn your lamp on and voila, a photo lamp!
DIY Photo Lamp Finished
Nadine is a stay at home mom/professional photographer from Winnipeg who specializes in children and newborn photography. You can see some of her work at She has 3 wonderful children Caleb 9, Amélie 7 and Leia 2 and has been married to her best friend for the past 10 years. Nadine loves photography, baking, reading, crafting, helping people and finding daily ways to teach all these loves to her children and others around her.

S.M.'s thoughts: This blog is one of my favorites! From recipes to crafts! This Canadian lady does it all! :) She is so inspiring to get my crafting gloves on! Check her stuff out! :) 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sneak Peek 10: The Circus in Me, S.M. Bjarnson

His smile was quiet. Stare struck into my blue eyes. Something he saw every day and somehow he was seeing it now; guilt.
“Unless Jazz is bad too, then none of that whatsoever.” Gladly giving into odd ideas of my strange personality.
“Miss Livingston, there is an Honor Code set in place at BYU. Every student abides by the rules.” In my hands he placed another copy of the guidelines I abided.
“I embrace that you have proof of these actions Mr. Branch President?” Eager to understand what proof was evidence enough to lead me to his office. I glance down at his last name, Bleu. Calculations being precise. All facts and folklore coming into perfect harmony.
“Did your daughter make these complaints contrary to me? She is my roommate.” He gleams acceptance of the things I profess.“Such a beautiful name Tracey Aliza. You should go by that instead of this Trae Lae business.” What an awful name; Tracey Aliza. I was one of many. Born into the prototype of human beings.“I do follow the rules.” In his hands I laid the copy back. I had done nothing wrong, I corrected.“My daughter’s middle name is Tracey.” Ignoring absolute honesty.“Is she the 4th or 5th child in the line of kin? I am the 2nd in my generation. I will tell you this because obviously you don’t understand the meaning of names.” My gut bulging with pride and power. His vision changed. More nervous than wearing a skirt four inches above knee length.
 “I am named Tracey because in a male dominate society, who think little of the female race, it deemed inevitable to confirm my father wanted a 2nd son.” His silence spoke for itself. Ruled by souls and soldiers of generational men he acted as the rest did. I feared my gumption. 


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Marianne Williamson talks about fear and destiny! Youtube Video!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ― Marianne WilliamsonA Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles" 

S.M. Bjarnson: "This is by far my favorite quote it says so much in so little of words! The powerful determination for this wonderful encouraging woman to share her expertise. In this video it inspires and holds such a great meaning to awakening the greatness inside of individuals. I am entirely amazed by her perception to alleviate the darkness clouding our minds refraining ourselves to the best possible options. I wonder if she is elected and she does change the course of congress in California, may she change the world, like she has changed the minds of so many women everywhere. Listen and believe!"

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Check out Fashion by the book, review of The Circus in Me!

The Circus in Me by S.M. Bjarnson
Find it here
See my review here.

The Circus in Me by S.M Bjarnson
Genre- YA
Publisher- Self-Published/Createspace
Rating- ✮✮✮☆☆
I received a copy of this book in exchanged for a honest review. In no way did the author or publishing company influence my review. For info on my book reviews and rating scale, click here
This is the second book I’ve reviewed for S.M Bjarnson. Click here for my review of her novel, Tangled Tears.
Tracey Aliza is a girl raised in an Amish community. After the death of her brother, she leaves the only life she knows behind for a new and oh-so different one, under the new name Trae Lae.
The Circus in Me is more of a novella than a novel. At 172 pages, I read it quickly. Bjarnson has a unique way of writing, it’s almost like the whole book is free-flowing poem. I find that the authors writing style has much improved from her first book.
I’m a character person, and I just didn’t feel that connected to Trae Lae. It might be the writing style, but I never felt like I got to know what she was thinking and her reasoning, only told. I’m not sure if that makes sense? Some people don’t really care about characters, but it’s probably the most important part of any story for me. None of the other characters really affected me either, but I think that’s just because of me. Although I do rather like the poem-style, it does leave little room for development for characters. (I know, I’m talking about characters too much.) Trae Lae’s relationships were very quick and sudden, but the writing style is the cause of that.  I did like that she was a very different character to what we are used to. She was used to a different life, and you could see that.
The numbing pain of losing someone was done wonderfully in the beginning and throughout the book. I have lost people I love, and that strange pain one gets from someone’s death is realistically portrayed in the novella.
I’m not Amish (obviously) or Mormon, and I don’t know anyone who is, so I am not sure if how they are portrayed in the novel is correct or not.
The Circus in Me is a quick read, and is for anyone who ever feels like they have a past to escape.
The Circus in Me by S.M Bjarnson
Genre- YA
Publisher- Self-Published/Createspace
Rating- ✮✮✮☆☆
I received a copy of this book in exchanged for a honest review. In no way did the author or publishing company influence my reviewFor info on my book reviews and rating scale, click here
This is the second book I’ve reviewed for S.M Bjarnson. Click here for my review of her novel, Tangled Tears.
Tracey Aliza is a girl raised in an Amish community. After the death of her brother, she leaves the only life she knows behind for a new and oh-so different one, under the new name Trae Lae.
The Circus in Me is more of a novella than a novel. At 172 pages, I read it quickly. Bjarnson has a unique way of writing, it’s almost like the whole book is free-flowing poem. I find that the authors writing style has much improved from her first book.
I’m a character person, and I just didn’t feel that connected to Trae Lae. It might be the writing style, but I never felt like I got to know what she was thinking and her reasoning, only told. I’m not sure if that makes sense? Some people don’t really care about characters, but it’s probably the most important part of any story for me. None of the other characters really affected me either, but I think that’s just because of me. Although I do rather like the poem-style, it does leave little room for development for characters. (I know, I’m talking about characters too much.) Trae Lae’s relationships were very quick and sudden, but the writing style is the cause of that.  I did like that she was a very different character to what we are used to. She was used to a different life, and you could see that.
The numbing pain of losing someone was done wonderfully in the beginning and throughout the book. I have lost people I love, and that strange pain one gets from someone’s death is realistically portrayed in the novella.
I’m not Amish (obviously) or Mormon, and I don’t know anyone who is, so I am not sure if how they are portrayed in the novel is correct or not.
The Circus in Me is a quick read, and is for anyone who ever feels like they have a past to escape.

Feeder of Fish - S.M. Bjarnson

Feeder of the Fish
With those who seek guidance and inspiration look unto your Heavenly Father and Savior as a feeder unto his fish.
As we delegate our lives according to what fits us most and what we desire above all, we make certain judgments and make unique decisions to fit our beliefs.
Let me now relate this to a feeder of a fish.
The feeder tends to the fish helping them and guiding them through their troubled waters.
But, the feeder may not always be around exactly when the fish is prepared to dine and be nurtured.
Like us, we reach and await the spiritual food that the Lord has sent down to us.
We await the guidance and motivation that the Lord holds out unto us all, waiting for us to take in a taste.
Think for a moment now, that we are the fish in this pond or tank of water, our feeder being God our Lord, may send us inspirations and plant in our hearts guidance unto our beings.
As the bits of food trickle down the water front we are able to feast and strive to go the biggest pieces that look the most fulfilling.
We may feast upon the words he has sent down to us, but some do pass away and fall beneath us, unnoticed.
For when we wait for our feeder to come and he does not, we feel saddened and find ourselves in despair.
But, we must look for the inspirations he has already given us.
The words and phrases we let slip through our fins and fingers, the ones we ignored and disregarded from our presence, because we see them as too small and unfulfilling.
But, those bits of enrichment are the ones we need most in our souls most of all
I plead with you and unto you and unto myself as well, that we seek and search for the hidden meanings the Lord has placed before us.
Let us strive to find the meanings for ourselves and may we find our own inspirations and have our own understandings of the things we need to be enhanced by.
So, then may we grow and excel to our spiritual potential and our emotional beings.
So, I say unto you again, let us open our eyes unto the Lord our God and unto the inspirations from the scriptures.
Let your soul go free and search for the inspirations you are looking to heal your broken heart and troubled soul.
Search and seek and find your own guidance in this world.

-S.M.  2009

Monday, May 19, 2014


Blowout Retirement Party

Come and have fun playing games that last all day with poetess jeniann! You could win  Promotional Prizes that would lead to share your book, blog or whatever is it! That's not all two of her books and FREE and two are on SALE! (Links to the books are below) Come, have fun, read great poetry and get to know the poetess jeniann! The info for Goggle+ and Facebook are below along with links!

On Google + Events
Mon, May 19, 8:00 AM – Fri, May 23, 8:00 PM
All Day Event Everyday (Times are posted for Pacific Time Zone)!
Last Chance Before Retirement!!!
Free Promotion on Collection of 25 days of Christmas Poetry
Kindle Countdown Deal on Phraseology and Letters
Free Promotional Prizes!! (Examples: Free Twitter Shoutouts, Free Blog Tour, Free Google + Shoutouts, Free 10 Retweets, Free Blog Spots & Buttons…To help you with your promotional needs)

On Facebook
May 19th – May 23rd!!
All Day Event Everyday (Times are posted for Pacific Time Zone)!
Last Chance Before Retirement!!!
Free Promotion on Expression On Life Book One
Kindle Countdown Deal on Expressions and Letters
Free Promotional Prizes!! (Examples: Free Twitter Shoutouts, Free Blog Tour, Free Google + Shoutouts, Free 10 Retweets, Free Blog Spots & Buttons…To help you with your promotional needs)

jeniann has this to say about her event “The object for this event is to offer my current followers a discount and free promotion along with any new readers to my poetry before I retire these books. After this event the books will be available for one week for reviews to be posted on Amazon, after that you may post any reviews on my Goodreads Author Page, (the link is provided below). You all must be wondering why…well come to the event to find out if there is any more books in the future from me!!”


“Walk away from anything or anyone who takes away from your joy. Life is too short to put up with fools.” – Unknown

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sneak Peek, The Tangled Tears 2nd Edition, S.M. Bjarnson

Why are we the way we are?Why do we consistently, think that we have to fight everyone on everything?Why as I stare out this window tonight, do I feel the hate growing strong inside me?Will things ever be the same?Will I ever feel love, actual love?
Shouldn't life be better?
Shouldn't I be able to move on through this pain?I don't know why I am here and she is not...She was everything I couldn't be, everything I needed to be, but didn't have the power to become.The world could have managed my loss.Sorrow still shouted out for her.I am nothing of that sort.
I am only an unfamiliar face in a crowd.A finger print in society's records.An empty soul, among the fulfillers.I am that beautiful face you pass by, because you noticed my sister standing on my side.I am nothing special.I do not even compare to you.You have friends; you have love and excitement.I walk in the wind. If I could stand in the wind for hours I would. Wishing, hoping, and waiting for it to lift me up into an embrace.Taking me away from sorrows and troubling times.As it waves goodbye, gently caressing my soft face.Leaving me abandoned once again, by an emotionless thing.I miss you, I whisper to the empty air, watching my words blow away.
How do I stop this torturing war, this undying battle?I want it to end.
I want this to end.I don't want to be.  Why didn't you take me?
S.M. Bjarnson


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Beliefs or Barriers? - S.M. Bjarnson

Beliefs or Barriers?
S.M. Bjarnson 

As writer, bloggers, authors, readers, all of the above, we have restrictions on our minds we may not even realize. Our belief system put into place at a very young age brought up to believe and orientate one certain function or way. I have read many books, books that lie, cheat, steal, kill, swear, sweat, you know real life story books. It seems highly unnecessary to grant the submission of banning a book when the great writers of today were moved if not inspired by these works of literature. 

Rowell was, according to her blog, absolutely devastated by this treatment. She wrote “When these people call Eleanor & Park an obscene story, I feel like they’re saying that rising above your situation isn’t possible. That if you grow up in an ugly situation, your story isn’t even fit for good people’s ears. That ugly things cancel out everything beautiful.” 

Not necessarily a negative aspect, but also may not be a positive one. You limit yourself to read things because you are advised not too! Just so you know this may get a little philosophical so beware! I recently saw a picture of books that have now since been banned from libraries and school media centers, why, because they have to far out ideas. I mean we grew up with these books people! Winnie the pooh-My all time favorite as a kid. Was taken away from young readers minds because talking animals offend God. By the way I have found a perfect explain of the list of banned books! Here on this website!
Also on this undermined list of books, there is the historical, if not educational autobiography by none other than Anne Franks. Anne Frank: The Diary Of A Girl: This year (THIS YEAR) in New Hampshire, the Holocaust classic was challenged in Michigan for the following reasons: “It’s pretty graphic, and it’s pretty pornographic for seventh-grade boys and girls to be reading. It’s inappropriate for a teacher to be giving this material out to the kids when its really the parents’ job to give the students this information.” Though the book wasn’t banned in Michigan, it was briefly banned in Virginia in, wait for it, 2010. 
I just would like to ask one question about this and I will move right along to other charades of enterprise; are we idiots? Let's talk about this Anne Frank was a key role in one of the biggest monumental times, for her diary we are engulfed in the Holocaust. If it were not for her being there and writing those journal entries we would have veered off into someone else words, maybe not the right words. I am saying is that she was alive and her book was published for a reason, to teach us if not educate us. 

The Giving Tree: Because the tree is overly compliant and, yes, giving and the boy is demanding and selfish this book has been called sexist. 

Tell me are we that bored with reality we have to ruin the childhood of young adults everywhere to prove some mythical point of beliefs brand new. You can not please everyone, but I wonder, if these people ever get tired of themselves, these individuals that fight everyone on every little detail. 
What is a world we are not able to read freely? What is a planet without books? Our imaginations dried and starving for literature. What makes others think they can choose and pick the ideas we want to believe in or expose ourselves too?

His Dark Materials: Much like Harry Potter, the objection here is a religious one. Though I strongly disagree with the complaint, it is, in this instance, far more justified. Phillip Pullman’s beautiful trilogy does, yes yes, involve some kids on a mission to kill God (aka The Authority). So I can see how that might make some parents look askance. Though Pullman is vocally, frankly anti-organized religion, I don’t think he’s anti-faith. He’s said: “[I]n my view, belief in God seems to be a very good excuse, on the part of those who claim to believe, for doing many wicked things that they wouldn’t feel justified in doing without such a belief.”
Tell me are we fools?

Harriet The Spy: This book was challenged in the 1980s in Ohio for teaching “children to lie, spy, back-talk and curse.”

 Are they our beliefs 
or are they barriers? 

All quotes on books banning are from this blog:

Photo Credit: