Saturday, March 8, 2014

Circus in Me: Sneak Peek 1

How we had gotten ourselves into this mess, I was already planning for the escape. My parents had not come by; they had no intention in supporting a defiant son, let alone loving one. His movements were none existence, twirling my brown hair around my index finger. Who knew what a calamity this would provide my unwilling guardians, it was what they were, were they not? Guarding us from harm, pain, from life.
       The execution was confirmed and we had no verdict to object to it. My father signed and declared his first born son as mythical as his mistakes. They didn't stick around long after that; he was already deceased in their images.
       The town would not forgive the patrons involved; his best friend was a cast away as he would have been. Drinking and driving in a community that had no tolerance for the first one, let alone the second. Remembering that night only brought up anger and frustration towards the victim that became my brother. Did he somehow realize he was alone to blame for this? Were we all flashing guilty cards with the victims’ names?
       I turned back to what the weather had caused for us today. She seemed to roam over the individual county lines, making promises of better wishing times and novelty practices of where we could go from there; no promise was ever kept. I remark on the notion of this delicate place, the times we’ve spent here wishing the cuffs would be loosened or dissolve altogether. We were prisoners of our own time. Not the time they stamped into these metal bracelets they called love.

       My hand print comforted his; he had been estranged for a week now, his hand already tingling to the beneficiary of its fate. I pressed firmly into his palm, imprinting on it more than love. The radiance of the moon quickened by his window as the machine took he's last breath for him. I sat gallantly among the stars as the white sheet covered his mercenary head. Tears trickled down my white cheeks as if for some reason, I had been the one claimed for death's plate. I questioned myself what the point of this was, why the long trial had run dry and I was sitting alone in a room with a corpse who had been my brother.

S.M. Bjarnson

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