Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I have this book! Right there! In this book holds key components of motivation, technical lessons of life we all should remember! So today for the Wednesday Wisdom I am going to share with you a very important message this book explains or rather elaborates in all ways possible to each and every individual in a particular way! :) enjoy!

"Ask a hundred people what a great life looks like and you'll probably get a hundred different answers-but certain answers will always make everyone's list. Most people would agree, for example, that a great life includes something worth living for, maybe even worth dying for. A portion of a great life would be devoted to something bigger, greater, grander, than yourself. Something that inspires you, energizes you, pulls you forward. Something that responds to your unique talent or touch and, ultimately, makes a difference in the world around you. A great life, of course, is not something we experience, it's something we create. That's what this book is all about." - A section from above book!
So what makes a life worth living? Is it the satisfaction of a job well done, money, laughter? Everyday we are experienced with challenges and trials that try very hard to bring down that goal of having a great life. How do we persevere? What makes us push through all the negative all the bad and betrayals for that light at the end of the tunnel? Is it the glory at the end that inspires you to be determined and monitor what negativity you allow to dwell on your homestead? Can you be a gladiator and motivate yourself beyond words and exercise them into actions? Find it in yourself to look upon a brighter day, ask yourself what do you think a great life looks like? :) To me all things are possible and I realize when the lessons are learned you move quickly along to the next chapter or reward. -S.M. Bjarnson

1 comment:

  1. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this. I believe that God has preordained us to live out the destiny that He has for us, and that through Him, we can live a Life of Purpose. We don't have to live in defeat. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Check out my blog if you'd like.

    God Bless!
