Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Proud or Pride, S.M. Bjarnson

S.M. Bjarnson

Today's topic might come as a shock, or rather surprise for some people. But I am going to talk about it anyway because I have been dwelling careless thoughts on the topic of being proud or is it prideful? So here it goes! The comparison and contrast of each topic although similar are very opposite. While writing The CIRCUS IN ME, I found that the Amish people do not have modern cars or vehicles as a means to not be prideful about these things. Having these items makes one think as they put it above another. Although this may be true, I found myself wondering in reality what the difference between being proud and being prideful. Was it the fancy cars or nice clothing that makes us prideful and not proud? My ideas or thoughts on the topic may not be the same examples as you have in your thought pattern. Any comments on the topic please reply below! 
Here is a better aspect of the two common words! 

Making yourself proud, taking pride in your work, behavior and results is a personal commitment. It is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity and a powerful demonstration of self-respect.
If you’re going to do something…
  • Do it right the first time,
  • Do it in the spirit of excellence,
  • Do it so that it sets an inspiring example,
  • Do it in a way that you are proud to have your name associated with it.

The remarks of others jealous eyes making us look unnecessarily proud of what we have earned. There are times to feel good about yourself, boosting in glory of the things you have worked hard for and deserved to earn. I understand the difficulty and your right to receive. But that is being happy with what you have yearned for, being satisfied and feeling accomplished in the pleasure of what you own. Not a means to showing off to every individual you know that you have a newer version of everything in sight. So here are some remarks, don't take them lightly!

"Pride" is a noun.
"Proud" is an adjective.
"Pride" is what someone has.
"Proud" is what someone is.

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