Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Feeder of Fish - S.M. Bjarnson

Feeder of the Fish
With those who seek guidance and inspiration look unto your Heavenly Father and Savior as a feeder unto his fish.
As we delegate our lives according to what fits us most and what we desire above all, we make certain judgments and make unique decisions to fit our beliefs.
Let me now relate this to a feeder of a fish.
The feeder tends to the fish helping them and guiding them through their troubled waters.
But, the feeder may not always be around exactly when the fish is prepared to dine and be nurtured.
Like us, we reach and await the spiritual food that the Lord has sent down to us.
We await the guidance and motivation that the Lord holds out unto us all, waiting for us to take in a taste.
Think for a moment now, that we are the fish in this pond or tank of water, our feeder being God our Lord, may send us inspirations and plant in our hearts guidance unto our beings.
As the bits of food trickle down the water front we are able to feast and strive to go the biggest pieces that look the most fulfilling.
We may feast upon the words he has sent down to us, but some do pass away and fall beneath us, unnoticed.
For when we wait for our feeder to come and he does not, we feel saddened and find ourselves in despair.
But, we must look for the inspirations he has already given us.
The words and phrases we let slip through our fins and fingers, the ones we ignored and disregarded from our presence, because we see them as too small and unfulfilling.
But, those bits of enrichment are the ones we need most in our souls most of all
I plead with you and unto you and unto myself as well, that we seek and search for the hidden meanings the Lord has placed before us.
Let us strive to find the meanings for ourselves and may we find our own inspirations and have our own understandings of the things we need to be enhanced by.
So, then may we grow and excel to our spiritual potential and our emotional beings.
So, I say unto you again, let us open our eyes unto the Lord our God and unto the inspirations from the scriptures.
Let your soul go free and search for the inspirations you are looking to heal your broken heart and troubled soul.
Search and seek and find your own guidance in this world.

-S.M.  2009

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