Monday, November 11, 2013

How will it go?? :) Let the story be told!!!

Here is a preview of a maybe ending for my upcoming novel of The Sacrificing Mother!! :)
I will be releasing my cover shortly! And, away we go!

                It started soon after it had ended. The weary part of the dream I had once been living in, shortly became the lie I was breathing. I removed myself from the knowledge of other beings. Their accusations only leading me to definite defeat and while my own accusations leading me toward something or other of estrangement. Either will or way, my responsibility as that person who once did or did not do this or that was quite burdening upon my shoulders.

                It was different back then when chances were given to you to burn and not bury, so in many cases I did just that, burned them in every direction. The course never came through tears or trembling words of cohesion. There I stood upon the same playing field, level ground with opponents not necessarily against me, but never might I add ever for me.

                I resented the title and whence the rhythmic truth became spoken, it indulged in being sought out as just that; the truth. Not my truth or your truth, or somebody’s good guess as what that truth maybe be, it is merely a fictional certainty of the truth. Nothing happened as you would assume it would. Girl meets boy, boy likes girl, and girl isn’t too crazy about boy. One mistake leads to another and 40 weeks later a baby girl is then born and given away to people I am told to be called reorganized fundamentalist. Of course I feel bad, a child grew inside me and for some time I doubted my ability to grow one. She came out perfect. She came out screaming with life; that’s how I knew she would be okay. These fundamentalist, I am telling you may not have her best interest at mind. They surely are giving her a chance to make up for the things I couldn’t give her.

Besides I belonged to the state in most cases. I couldn’t let her belong to someone like me. She looked like me. Mostly of him, he didn’t know. In the people’s truth, I guess now he knew all too well.

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