Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Talented Violinist


Talent is in the Beauty


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Circus in Me, S.M. Bjarnson

Super excited!!!! Here is a sneak peek of my new upcoming novel! The Circus in Me, due out January 2014, finishing touches, in the works!

Have a happy Thanksgiving or you're own holiday celebration!!

-S.M. Bjarnson

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!!!! To you

Monday, November 25, 2013

I'll tell you the Truth

I'll tell you the truth if you whisper the secret I've been longing to hear. Devouring the knowledge of cutting it dear. I wanted this moment I considered a notion the type of person that runs from fire but not from flame, I loved you today as you walked my way as you ran your fingers across my path. In the heat of a second the world had changed and I was alone in the snow one day. Do you recall the temptation of us all? Will it end how evidently the world suppose to end? In brimstone and destruction, leaving notes of creation.

Tell me I was wrong about the whole thing and suddenly just suddenly they remove the ties of time and the heroes from their story lines how dare we manage or manipulate the wrong and right from our lives! Bad. Did we honestly need more to crave and opposite of good or great or wonderful. Bad, a three letter word leading us no where but down. Bad spelled backwards is called dab. Dab away the insecurities that bad has left on us and we leave the image of it on the word.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Are you Afraid?

"Are you afraid to change or is it in your DNA to stay the same? Is it the wind that takes you places or leads you far and astray? May the teachings of the prophets lead you where in your heart and mind you truly want to be, for if not you will end up diseased and forgotten by the sea."

-S.M. Bjarnson

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Outside of Ever Awaits You...

As I sit around this old office building, wondering if I will ever get out of this small town. In my youth it was all I had ever dreamed about, it is all I ever dream about now. Freedom. Independence. It’s all I have ever needed to feel alive, all I ever wanted in my life and love. But, that’s a different story; love.
I wake up in the morning of the bright light, wondering what I am still doing here. It is not nightmares that stray me from my sleep. It is thought of no escape that drifts me away from the rest and peace. I sigh at the clock and turn to my pillow, what more can a heart take when it is stuck in this rut; a dirty rut with no passage ways of exit. Plans I have and plans I keep, I look forward to the future, because after all it is all we have to look forward too. Wouldn’t you agree? Sometimes at late at night I do not wish to sleep or slumber, I wish to close my eyes and dream of the possibilities. Snow falls outside my weary window, the wind breaks my train of thoughts, the outside of ever awaits my sleepy toes, my journey to begin. Times have changed and bones are breaking, the Winter’s are colder and my nights get longer. The imagination of my dreams no longer lingers on the borderline of my dozing conscious, nay I say; they are but free and vividly alive. They jump on my walls and hop on the fence; I smile at their childish games. I spend time wondering what they want, why they have come out of hiding to amuse me and mingle with the narcotic temperature. I let my thoughts take me and let they rush back to me, I am asleep once again, no room for breathing. Trees crackle at my doorstep, as natural animals take their course. They plead with me, oh darling they say. Wake up today and come out and play. If only for just one minute, if only for just one hour, I may take the course and follow their foot prints, and then maybe I will learn once again how to sprint, freely.

-S.M. Bjarnson

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Change The Things! :)

I'd like to say things change things, but in whole honesty, we do! Time is created by human beings. In space, the milky way universe all our lives are timeless. We have no birthdays. No need for retirement countdowns or fundamentals of whereabouts or arriving on schedule.
Did you notice when you closed you eyes that space and time went on without your approval? Without the very distinctive vision of how you planned your days?
I'll remind you now, we are all in this together. We are the visions. We are the protocol human resources of life and leisure. Remind yourself you are human! In a case I would love you to refer is that you are made of the earth.

You are also made of the galaxy and stars. Think about it!

Broaden your thoughts and determine your output, you ultimately are in control to finish the project or goal!

In the end you will be the only one standing in that curious cranium, believe that you make it possible.

Believe in your ways!

-S.M. Bjarnson

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Author Interview: The Indie & Debut Author Interview & Antagonize Me Team

Just so everybody knows! Keep your eyes pealed and your phalanges handy as every! :)

The Indie and Debut website has agreed to feature me on this upcoming Monday, Nov 18th, 2013!

This is a great and wonderful website featuring all the outstanding authors trying to make it out in this fantasy world! Hear the heroes mock the victims, and lastly heal the readers soul with a little douse of commontion. Let literature be your Hero!!! :)

Always looking to the sweeter side of life. :)

Yours Truly,

S.M. Bjarnson

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

Make a wish!! :)

11:11 p.m.

Make that wish!! :) come true

Caroline Pennell: Wake Me Up


Astronaut's Music Video!!


How will it go?? :) Let the story be told!!!

Here is a preview of a maybe ending for my upcoming novel of The Sacrificing Mother!! :)
I will be releasing my cover shortly! And, away we go!

                It started soon after it had ended. The weary part of the dream I had once been living in, shortly became the lie I was breathing. I removed myself from the knowledge of other beings. Their accusations only leading me to definite defeat and while my own accusations leading me toward something or other of estrangement. Either will or way, my responsibility as that person who once did or did not do this or that was quite burdening upon my shoulders.

                It was different back then when chances were given to you to burn and not bury, so in many cases I did just that, burned them in every direction. The course never came through tears or trembling words of cohesion. There I stood upon the same playing field, level ground with opponents not necessarily against me, but never might I add ever for me.

                I resented the title and whence the rhythmic truth became spoken, it indulged in being sought out as just that; the truth. Not my truth or your truth, or somebody’s good guess as what that truth maybe be, it is merely a fictional certainty of the truth. Nothing happened as you would assume it would. Girl meets boy, boy likes girl, and girl isn’t too crazy about boy. One mistake leads to another and 40 weeks later a baby girl is then born and given away to people I am told to be called reorganized fundamentalist. Of course I feel bad, a child grew inside me and for some time I doubted my ability to grow one. She came out perfect. She came out screaming with life; that’s how I knew she would be okay. These fundamentalist, I am telling you may not have her best interest at mind. They surely are giving her a chance to make up for the things I couldn’t give her.

Besides I belonged to the state in most cases. I couldn’t let her belong to someone like me. She looked like me. Mostly of him, he didn’t know. In the people’s truth, I guess now he knew all too well.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Hello, my world2!

Remember back in the day when time was longer, when days were better or happier? We were children back then in paradise. I live again and again each day dreaming of a world we can all call awakening tones too. The time  is now isn't it, that we grow, that we develop from creatures of the wild to heroes of tomorrow? Tell me if I'm running wrong, are we all cast out of the image, because of our beauty?
Move your throne across the shore to the deeper edge of the ridge and to the closer portion of where inhabitants create bonds with the solidarity of man.
Remember, I'll tell you we're whispering with thieves, drinking wine with the deceased. Commenting on whether or not should we grieve. Marks upon the skin of man, we are all changing through time wishing well to those that hear the words filtering out through our nostrils in rag!

Be Hero!

Turning tables over for the last pieces of dignity we decided to give up; sticking them underneath the regretful past of permission.  The passion dwindling and again we're dead by the sea wondering when the next tidal wave will take us away, from disaster.

Be Independent.

You were all vulnerable under his control under the mold in his skin! You wanted it to be more than ever more.

What was it again you needed from him? Compassion, love, a life worth living?

Be Inspiring.

Live the way you have always wanted too. You are the only one that can say yes! :)


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Explore The "Quantified Self" Revolution with Jason Silva


Kelly Rae Roberts: Practicing Courage

I came across this email on avery low day, week, month? ALl of thee above! Some days are better than others! She has been an inspiration to me and has always seemed to brighten my day with her outstanding talents!
(A passage from The Terma Collective)
I came across this passage several years ago and it changed my life. What still pulled on my soul was the quiet and then not-so-quiet call to become an artist. One tiny step after the next, and I found myself in the center of my life's dream. Remarkable.

And now, all of these years later, in the quiet pauses between the noises of work and business and mothering and living a deliciously full life, I'm hearing a new call to push up against a new edge of this creative life. To tell my story and express my work in the world in new ways.


It might not look like much, but renting this projector felt like the scariest thing I've done in years. Because it meant that I had committed. To using it. To teach. To not just believing my story mattered but telling it. In front of people.
I was nervous, but I did it. And the lesson of doing the things we didn't think we could do circled back around to my heart and taught me all of it's valuable, heart centering lessons all over again. The ones about making small moves while trusting that all the bigger metaphysical moves will shift with us. The ones about stepping into our courage because it allows us to witness our lives from a different angle. The ones about embracing our vulnerabilities and trusting the process of answering the urges, even when we've got gremlins galore.
I'm reminded of a quote that also changed my life not so long ago:
"....the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way." - WH Murray
I can't say for sure, but I'm thinking that the small but big move of renting the projector and then actually using it during a small, sweet conference this past weekend, was the beginning of something new. It's been a long time since I felt a sense of absolute relief (and a smidge of pride) that comes after we've pushed ourselves. I'm just so glad I did it. Big thanks to all the lovely and amazing ladies that came and held that space for me as we learned from each other. Super grateful.
When was the last time you pushed up against an edge in your own life? What did you learn? How did it feel?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hello, My World The Unforgiving of Worlds

Hello! Welcome to my world! The very unforgiving world we call: Earth. Earth has started to get a reputation for hoarding some of the universes best and worst human beings in the galaxy. We have noble prize winners, mentors, presidents with whit. In every scenario there is always good versus bad, so of course we have evil doers as well. The murders and baby thieves, the ones who destroy countries upon communities. We live in the midst, the very middle of the odds.

Danger creeping and lurking in every crevasse; you see everything and honestly it doesn't downright frighten you as much as it disappoints or disgusts your morality. The middle of the middle, you're no longer the very top nor the very bottom of the pyramid. You still hold on to people to bring you up in the world and others hang to your physical frame hoping for the same effort.

Well wishes we send to the departed and halfhearted. Their demise being overwhelming. Their truth conquering all that enter.

In the middle. We are on the Top.

Shift or crack at the something or other. We move as a whole group, one right after the other. In a long line swaying like a  cargo vessel upon the waves at sea.

Only time telling us we are lost.

Running in circles mad like a man on fire. Our heads near explosion, to much commotion leading from out there into here. Our hearts stumbling at defeat the whits ripped beneath our feet.

My hair falling and burning at the tips, we were all bald once weren't we? DO you remember the time of day, was it light or night? Did the windows shake with cold and fear? Were the children out to play. Bitten but never infected. Torn, but never scorned. We live in a village there is no one to care.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fashion by the Book: Tangled Tears featured outfit! :)

Check Out The Outfit And Review!!! 



Thursday, October 10, 2013


trust. A word we flip flop around like a demised fish out of water. We greedily admire as well as joyfully despise the notion of the word. Trust. An action, a form of faith that gets us from point A to point B. Trust. The very bit in your core that's like the eye of the storm. Telling you again and again, hushing your fears stroking your hair, whispering it shall be okay!
You will be alright, once again!
Trusting is never easy. Being lead blindfolded across a rickety log is plain trust in your guide. Faith in your step, will also be a key component. In a world so fearful of chance, of risk, we seek out what we all assume is the safest of ways. You trust and I'll trust. We'll all trust.
Hold a hand, tell someone your thy here and that you trust them, even if they don't choose to trust themselves, believe in then. Calm your should of all the negative words and phrases people have put on you about the things you hold dear in life.

You will always control the life you live! Remember to trust yourself.

S.M. Bjarnson

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Gettting There is Half the Challenge!

Getting There is Half the Challenge.

I've made plenty of mistakes in my career, being a self-published author does have it's trials. You think your getting somewhere and some hope tries to bring itself up into your life and then BAM! Shut down by yet another, publisher, reviewer, critic.

You will never make everyone happy. You need to understand this and you need to understand that everyday we all have our downfalls, some more than others. It shouldn't limit us our ability to rise and walk. We are merely human beings trying to rush at the world as Superheroes. Come on haven't you ever played make believe? Well, everyday I get to play make beleive. In my journeys in my writings I am creating marvelous worlds I could honestly hope to understand. They are not the lives I live, but someone does, if not in comparision.

I am richly blessed with a wonderful family. I have great gratitude towards my fellow beings who have not had such good going lives, as I have. I understand your struggle and am faced with readers and people everyday, sharing their heartfelt stories with me. I am thankful. I am grateful and blessed. I hope one day I might change perspectives of those who have had a lost of love ones or more.

In my stories and blog posts I am here to be your friend to enrich your lives. As my imagination has enriched and sweetened my beliefs on the world. There will always be a negative to a postive a right to every wrong, depending how you look at it, or which side of the fence you choose to sit on. Challenges will come and they will most certainly go! Do all you can because one day the paycheck or promotion will come your way! In the wonderous words of a very cute cartoon off MEET THE ROBISONS, Keep Moving Forward!

S.M. Bjarnson

Everyday let it be Gold.

Belong to a Kingdom

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Guest Post & Giveaway

Check out my guest post on the ever so awesome blog; Words on Paper


Need a little pick me up! :) ,

I've got just the thing!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Inspire Yourself

Inspire yourself!

Was there ever a time in your life when you were more then down on your luck, crying to the figurative heavens questioning why, oh why???
Remember with all trials come resolutions, all heroes once nobodys. The cream of the crop is a tool only you have to harvest. The remarkable part of life us that you do fail, and continue to fail, not to mention you keep trying and going, but ultimately you seize to succeed. Why? You've given it your all time and time again. You go back you relearn, study longer, but the effort hasn't paid off. Is it fear that keeps holding you back? Is it the very notion that makes you realize, hey maybe I can do it. Do you wake up grudgingly cursing the morning for things it hasn't even brought you yet? You have to wake up to early for school; the sunrise is a miracle and beautiful in it's new day birth. Traffic is jammed and you're late to work; you have at some level found yourself a job you are skilled at, at least you have the opportunity to work. I'm so stressed school work is piling in by the truck load; education/knowledge is the greatest gift of all rewards.
The sun will always rise as it will always set. A book is a book the only difference is the words. You make the day count! You wake up with just a little bit more of gratitude, you'll be on your shining new way!

Many wishes! Best Thoughts!

Stay tuned, more to come!

S.M. Bjarnson

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Sacrificing Mother Sneak Peak, by S.M. Bjarnson

Early on in life we all learn that with every like there is a dislike to every love there is a hurt or even hate. Obsessed with giving this novel my all, I have momentarily put aside the duties of finishing my other novels. The Sacrificing Mother idea came to me as something of a prequel to another story I already had begun writing. I will tell you this in love, romance there is always the struggle to mend the broken ends of a situation. Here is a passage I hope you can enjoy the journey as much as I have:

It started soon after it had ended. The weary part of a magical dream I had once been living in. Shortly, after it soon became the lie I was breathing in. I removed my knowledge from the other beings. Their accusations only leading me down to a definite defeat. While my own guilty plea leaving me estranged. 
Either will or way you make of it, my responsibility as that person who once did or did not do those things was quite a burdensome role upon my adolescent shoulders.

It was different back then when chances were given to burn and not bury. In many cases I did just that, torch them at every beginning. This course never came through tears or trembling words of cohesion. I stood upon the same playing field, level ground with opponents not necessarily against my being. Never I might add ever for me.

I resented the title, whence the rhythmic truth became spoken; it indulged itself in being just that, the truth.
Not my truth or your truth, or someone's good guess at what the truth may have been, it was clearly a fictional clarity of false reading. 

Nothing ever happens as you assume it would.

Please continue to follow my upcoming unveiling of my new novel due out in short time if not my November! 
Thank you for all your support! 
Well wishes & Sweet Dreams

Craze Trove: You're not going to believe the Artist in the pain...

Craze Trove: You're not going to believe the Artist in the pain...: My new book is due out in a couple of months I hope you enjoy the short exsclusive passage. Have a risk-taking journey today! :) Thanks, fo...

Craze Trove: Preview Title: Finding the Truth in Trae Lei

Craze Trove: Preview Title: Finding the Truth in Trae Lei: I have been writing furiously trying to get all my words onto the metaphoric paper. Here is a sneak preview to my next novel Finding the Tru...

Craze Trove: Circus in Me: FInding the Truth in Trae Lei

Craze Trove: Circus in Me: FInding the Truth in Trae Lei: A new preview to my next novella! :) Enjoy https://www.createspace.com/Preview/1121093

Craze Trove: Book Review Taking Chances, Molly McAdams

Craze Trove: Book Review Taking Chances, Molly McAdams: I have just read the novel of a lifetime! The changing tides have surely changed it's way when Molly McAdams wrote, rather inspired her...

A little on the creative side!
