It started soon after it had ended. The weary part of a magical dream I had once been living in. Shortly, after it soon became the lie I was breathing in. I removed my knowledge from the other beings. Their accusations only leading me down to a definite defeat. While my own guilty plea leaving me estranged.
Either will or way you make of it, my responsibility as that person who once did or did not do those things was quite a burdensome role upon my adolescent shoulders.
It was different back then when chances were given to burn and not bury. In many cases I did just that, torch them at every beginning. This course never came through tears or trembling words of cohesion. I stood upon the same playing field, level ground with opponents not necessarily against my being. Never I might add ever for me.
I resented the title, whence the rhythmic truth became spoken; it indulged itself in being just that, the truth.
Not my truth or your truth, or someone's good guess at what the truth may have been, it was clearly a fictional clarity of false reading.
Nothing ever happens as you assume it would.
Please continue to follow my upcoming unveiling of my new novel due out in short time if not my November!
Thank you for all your support!
Well wishes & Sweet Dreams
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