y did? And then there came over me a great silence...for weeks, for days, hours, minutes, until a couple days ago I had found myself on the verge of (quitting) doubting my abilities as a writer to surpass those fictional phobias of mine. SO what do you do when the story you start to write turns around to be a misshaped lie almost? Well, Here I have found the cure, if not the solution to the noneducational problem we as authors are faced with.
Firstly, take a break and look at your potential story, book from a new angle, whether it be from the readers perspective or those opinions of your most trusted colleagues.
Second, Revision, re-edit, rewrite.
Thirdly, and probably most importantly accept that changing crucial if not major things in the timeline of your outline, is necessary and for the better and bigger picture.
No wonder it wasn't working and you kept struggling because there was something that needed taken out, before the finale was written. -S.M. Bjarnson

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