A writer's whim began as once another journey ended. This one started as birth rose inside a young woman's body and there became a life, a child who saw great space in the wakening of stars. Where in solitude the morality of man came into context of which one would survive, that maybe just maybe we all would. Evolve and invent, create and manifest such a grander perspective view of our live's. May we transform them into our dreams.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Finding the Passion that Drives you to the Core, Getting through the nasty blues of Writers block!
You've gone down every alley to try and devise a plan every turn remains empty and still you are craving inspiration. Your mind is on a pathway and all the streetlamps are burnt out around you. There you are rummaging through old garbage plans going over notes of once loved ideas, they fall flat and you still are strained for words. The music has stopped playing and there is no end to this devastating time insight. You remove all the curtains and go for a walk any swift movement of fresh air is a grasp at something new, the experience you try to overcome is just staggering behind you, laughing at the dying corpse you call a story.
Well that was surely a nightmare!
In a day or two it may fade away and the really weary condition of writers blocks are sometimes only solved with time and patience. I have the worst overwhelming feeling of writers block sometimes, it drains me leaves me out in the rain with and umbrella with holes in it. My head aches as the empty thoughts begin to flow. There you are stuck in a flood with a hole in your boat; you are going down sailor! Sayonara world! My dreams and hopes for a bright authorship life are fading quickly.
Back up?!? Writer's block may not have the means to drown you in your sorrows, but it surely has the means to poison the ideas floating around in that imaginative cranium of yours. So here we are at the round table of hopeful knowledge awaiting the remarks if not insight for our next legion of stories. So here are my helpful hints to getting the wheels working again. The fingers typing/writing again, let's get back to where we find we have truly lost ourselves. :) Enjoy the ride
Tip 1
Go to a heavily populated place.
Watch people, create their life stories.
Breathe some fresh air and take a walk by yourself.
Tip 2
Seclude yourself
Turn on the music
Put on the Headphones
Write every phrase and feeling that you see fit.
Just WRITE!!!
Tip 3
I personally start having a drought if my imagination has not been diving into the literary fiction I so love. Besides the more you read the better writer you become and the more you learn and understand about the craft of writing and character descriptions. Believe that your fellow author;s written word could inspire you indefinitely! You can change the world with your words! Hope all the tips help you on your way out of the funk or pit of doom. Hope to be hearing from you soon in the written world of words!
Photo Credit:http://www.google.com/imgres?sa=X&biw=1600&bih=799&tbm=isch&tbnid=tftiY8AQHUULzM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fsdwriters.wordpress.com%2F2011%2F07%2F07%2Fhow-to-sneak-around-writer%25E2%2580%2599s-block%2F&docid=8myjD_jUBlKu5M&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fsdwriters.files.wordpress.com%2F2011%2F06%2Fwriters-block-1.jpg&w=1790&h=1491&ei=DDYNU-S0GpHwoAScw4G4Ag&zoom=1&ved=0CH4QhBwwBw&iact=rc&dur=249&page=1&start=0&ndsp=22
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