Thursday, April 6, 2017

13 Reasons Why Book turned into Netflix Series, by S.M. Bjarnson

13 Reasons Why Book Turned into Netflix Series
Book Written by Jay Asher
(Photo Credit: Goodreads)

I first read this book when it came out over a decade ago. This book was the first piece of literature I ever admitted deeply to being displeased with. A hate that grew that as you can imagine it seemed unworthy to even exist.
Now some years later. I find myself sitting on my bed watching this series I promised myself I wouldn’t because it couldn’t be any better than that book I despised so badly. Why did I hate this book you might ask yourself? How could I possibly hate a book? Let’s be honest there is always one book that rubs you the wrong way, a character you wish would just get killed off. 13 Reasons Why, the book was annoying. In the detailed description of the main character’s trials, she whined without trepidation. She blamed without remarks of respect. If you have not read the book, there is no way I can really describe to you how differently the book and the series are. But both are identical in relation. Let me tell you when I am honestly glad the producers took the book and looked it over and threw it out the window and said, “Now this is what we are going to do!”
The series portrayed the plot in a new light of awakening the passion. I am so glad for the actress who played Hannah, she was beyond perfect for the role. Delivering the message I wholeheartedly believe Jay Asher wanted to get across. The series is something else. It makes you cringe, cry, and most important, connect.

It was a wonderful replacement for the ideas and feelings I had for the book. Many others were greeted with the same response to the book as I was. 
This series gave us a 2nd chance to feel more connected to Hannah, to see her and witness the realm of teenage struggle. What a beautiful story that welcomed us closure and peace. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Writing Today...

The last time I published a book was in 2014. I was on a roll somewhere far and somewhere near. It was my 3rd in a year. I believed in a better beginning for my career and dream-work as a published author, even if it meant being a self-published author. Nonetheless I am PUBLISHED. 
So, here I am 3 years later it seems, with 4 books in the works. The books I have come up with are unlike I have written before. At least one is romance inclined like the rest of my Young Adult Portrayals. Although this one reaches a New Adult age group. As I grow, I feel my literature grows too. I had put away reading fiction for sometime, only focusing on business books and my specialty. 
In the past 12 days I have read well over 15 books. 
There is something that connects and calls with me, but it surely gives me inspiration and an addiction to storytelling out of my own words and wisdom. 
P.S. More to come my readers and weeping willows.