A writer's whim began as once another journey ended. This one started as birth rose inside a young woman's body and there became a life, a child who saw great space in the wakening of stars. Where in solitude the morality of man came into context of which one would survive, that maybe just maybe we all would. Evolve and invent, create and manifest such a grander perspective view of our live's. May we transform them into our dreams.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Hello, My World The Unforgiving of Worlds
Danger creeping and lurking in every crevasse; you see everything and honestly it doesn't downright frighten you as much as it disappoints or disgusts your morality. The middle of the middle, you're no longer the very top nor the very bottom of the pyramid. You still hold on to people to bring you up in the world and others hang to your physical frame hoping for the same effort.
Well wishes we send to the departed and halfhearted. Their demise being overwhelming. Their truth conquering all that enter.
In the middle. We are on the Top.
Shift or crack at the something or other. We move as a whole group, one right after the other. In a long line swaying like a cargo vessel upon the waves at sea.
Only time telling us we are lost.
Running in circles mad like a man on fire. Our heads near explosion, to much commotion leading from out there into here. Our hearts stumbling at defeat the whits ripped beneath our feet.
My hair falling and burning at the tips, we were all bald once weren't we? DO you remember the time of day, was it light or night? Did the windows shake with cold and fear? Were the children out to play. Bitten but never infected. Torn, but never scorned. We live in a village there is no one to care.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Fashion by the Book: Tangled Tears featured outfit! :)
Check Out The Outfit And Review!!!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
You will be alright, once again!
Trusting is never easy. Being lead blindfolded across a rickety log is plain trust in your guide. Faith in your step, will also be a key component. In a world so fearful of chance, of risk, we seek out what we all assume is the safest of ways. You trust and I'll trust. We'll all trust.
Hold a hand, tell someone your thy here and that you trust them, even if they don't choose to trust themselves, believe in then. Calm your should of all the negative words and phrases people have put on you about the things you hold dear in life.
You will always control the life you live! Remember to trust yourself.
S.M. Bjarnson
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Gettting There is Half the Challenge!
I've made plenty of mistakes in my career, being a self-published author does have it's trials. You think your getting somewhere and some hope tries to bring itself up into your life and then BAM! Shut down by yet another, publisher, reviewer, critic.
You will never make everyone happy. You need to understand this and you need to understand that everyday we all have our downfalls, some more than others. It shouldn't limit us our ability to rise and walk. We are merely human beings trying to rush at the world as Superheroes. Come on haven't you ever played make believe? Well, everyday I get to play make beleive. In my journeys in my writings I am creating marvelous worlds I could honestly hope to understand. They are not the lives I live, but someone does, if not in comparision.
I am richly blessed with a wonderful family. I have great gratitude towards my fellow beings who have not had such good going lives, as I have. I understand your struggle and am faced with readers and people everyday, sharing their heartfelt stories with me. I am thankful. I am grateful and blessed. I hope one day I might change perspectives of those who have had a lost of love ones or more.
In my stories and blog posts I am here to be your friend to enrich your lives. As my imagination has enriched and sweetened my beliefs on the world. There will always be a negative to a postive a right to every wrong, depending how you look at it, or which side of the fence you choose to sit on. Challenges will come and they will most certainly go! Do all you can because one day the paycheck or promotion will come your way! In the wonderous words of a very cute cartoon off MEET THE ROBISONS, Keep Moving Forward!
S.M. Bjarnson
Everyday let it be Gold.
Belong to a Kingdom |
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Guest Post & Giveaway
Check out my guest post on the ever so awesome blog; Words on Paper
Need a little pick me up! :) ,
I've got just the thing!